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Resources and SLS

In this section, we showcase how to link existing resources in your cloud environment to new ones that we will create via a present state
We will create a basic Azure Virtual Machine, for that, we will discover or describe an existing NIC then assigning it to a new Azure Virtual Machine resource in order to create it.

Later on, at the End To End Azure VM Usecase , you will be able to reference other and more types of resources.

In order to create a Azure VM, we will need to indicate the “networkInterfaces id”

Of course, we could create the NIC also with Idem Azure Plug-In Resource : “virtual_networks”, but for the sake of this example, we already have an existing & un-assigned NIC interface that we could use in our cloud environment.

You can easily discover as follows,

idem describe azure.virtual_networks.network_interfaces

Please note that you may have more than one NIC available, you can use the Filter Flag In this case, the output of the command shows our network interface available

? /subscriptions/23a8cee7-a1e4-4bb3-aff9-6898b4ee6fde/resourceGroups/group8a87dd00ea7183a729588634c88e5123/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/default
: azure.virtual_networks.network_interfaces.present:
  - network_interface_name: default
  - resource_group_name: group8a87dd00ea7183a729588634c88e5123
  - parameters:
      etag: W/6f33dd08-64fa-4d11-8c17-2d9fdea97671
      "id: /subscriptions/23a8cee7-a1e4-4bb3-aff9-6898b4ee6fde/resourceGroups/group8a87dd00ea7183a729588634c88e5123/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/default"
      location: centralus
      name: default

Now, let’s write a new state “vm_moff_present.sls” defining our Azure VM that includes the idem present directive for azure.compute.virtual_machines,
but also the specific NIC “id” described above, (more about Azure Plug-In Resources ID at the End to End Azure VM )

          - id: /subscriptions/23a8cee7-a1e4-4bb3-aff9-6898b4ee6fde/resourceGroups/group8a87dd00ea7183a729588634c88e5123/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/default

Of course, please note that included properties needed for creating the Azure VM, such as VM Name, Resource Group, Hardware Profile (Flavor), ImageReference, etc.

  - resource_group_name: moff-idem-01
  - vm_name: Development-idem-015042
  - parameters:
      location: centralus
      name: Development-idem-015042
          vmSize: Standard_A5
          - id: /subscriptions/23a8cee7-a1e4-4bb3-aff9-6898b4ee6fde/resourceGroups/group8a87dd00ea7183a729588634c88e5123/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/default
              primary: true
          dataDisks: []
            exactVersion: 18.04.201804262
            offer: UbuntuServer
            publisher: Canonical
            sku: 18.04-LTS
            version: 18.04.201804262
          adminUsername: azureuser
          allowExtensionOperations: true
          computerName: Development-idem-015042
          adminPassword: "C@n0n1c@lVMware"
            disablePasswordAuthentication: false
              assessmentMode: ImageDefault
              patchMode: ImageDefault
            provisionVMAgent: true
          secrets: []

We now can simply execute it by calling the command “state”

idem state vm_moff_present.sls

This will return the following output (please note the provisioningState):

      ID: Development-idem-015042
Function: azure.compute.virtual_machines.present
  Result: True
 Comment: Created
 Changes: new:

Then you can search for the newly created Azure VM with describe Please note that you may have more than one VM available, you can use the Filter Flag In this case, the output of the command shows our single Azure VM

idem describe azure.compute.virtual_machines

It is worth to mention that some resources may have dependencies among them and be created at the same time, for that you include reconciler=basic flag , This allows Idem-azure-auto to run Idem state with Idem’s reconciliation loop.

Last updated on 9 Feb 2022
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