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States can be defined as yaml definitions and captured in files with extension SLS
Example: my_resource_group_state.sls

# Resource Group
  - resource_group_name: moff-idem-rg-01
  - parameters:
      location: centralus
      tags: {}

SLS State file can exist anywhere in the file system, and they can be accessed by their relative location in the file system.
Example: /home/demouser/states/my_resource_group_state.sls

If we wanted to execute the State SLS:

idem state <file_path>/<file name>.sls

In this example:

idem state ~/states/my_resource_group_state.sls

The following SLS use cases in this section, showcase how to use the available idem describe states to work with Azure Resources.
Make sure to export the encryption key and path to the fernet file as an environment variable as described in the authentication section before trying the examples in this section, follow the Authenticate section for more details.

Last updated on 8 Feb 2022
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