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**Autogenerated function**

Cancels one or more Spot Instance requests.

    name(Text): An Idem name of the resource.
    resource_id(Text): The spot instance request id

    Dict[str, Any]


    .. code-block:: sls

            - name: value
Describe the resource in a way that can be recreated/managed with the corresponding "present" function

    Dict[Text, Any]


    .. code-block:: bash

        $ idem describe aws.ec2.spot_instance_request
**Autogenerated function**

    name(Text): An Idem name of the resource.
    resource_id(Text): The spot instance request id
    availability_zone_group(Text): The user-specified name for a logical grouping of requests.
        When you specify an Availability Zone group in a Spot Instance request,
        all Spot Instances in the request are launched in the same Availability Zone.
        Instance proximity is maintained with this parameter, but the choice of
        Availability Zone is not. The group applies only to requests for Spot Instances
        of the same instance type. Any additional Spot Instance requests that are
        specified with the same Availability Zone group name are launched in that
        same Availability Zone, as long as at least one instance from the group is still active.

        If there is no active instance running in the Availability Zone group that
        you specify for a new Spot Instance request (all instances are terminated,
        the request is expired, or the maximum price you specified falls below
        current Spot price), then Amazon EC2 launches the instance in any Availability
        Zone where the constraint can be met. Consequently, the subsequent set of Spot
        Instances could be placed in a different zone from the original request,
        even if you specified the same Availability Zone group.

        Default: Instances are launched in any available Availability Zone.
    instance_count(int): The maximum number of Spot Instances to launch.
    instance_interruption_behavior(str): The behavior when a Spot Instance is interrupted. The default is terminate.
        Valid Values: hibernate | stop | terminate
        The instance launch group. Launch groups are Spot Instances that launch together and terminate together.
        Default: Instances are launched and terminated individually
    launch_specification(Dict[str, Any], optional): The launch specification. Defaults to None.
        * SecurityGroupIds (List[str], optional): One or more security group IDs.
        * SecurityGroups (List[str], optional): One or more security groups. When requesting instances in a VPC, you must specify the IDs of the
            security groups. When requesting instances in EC2-Classic, you can specify the names or the IDs
            of the security groups.
        * AddressingType (str, optional): Deprecated.
        * BlockDeviceMappings (List[Dict[str, Any]], optional): One or more block device mapping entries. You can't specify both a snapshot ID and an encryption
            value. This is because only blank volumes can be encrypted on creation. If a snapshot is the
            basis for a volume, it is not blank and its encryption status is used for the volume encryption
            * DeviceName (str, optional): The device name (for example, /dev/sdh or xvdh).
            * VirtualName (str, optional): The virtual device name (ephemeralN). Instance store volumes are numbered starting from 0. An
                instance type with 2 available instance store volumes can specify mappings for ephemeral0 and
                ephemeral1. The number of available instance store volumes depends on the instance type. After
                you connect to the instance, you must mount the volume. NVMe instance store volumes are
                automatically enumerated and assigned a device name. Including them in your block device mapping
                has no effect. Constraints: For M3 instances, you must specify instance store volumes in the
                block device mapping for the instance. When you launch an M3 instance, we ignore any instance
                store volumes specified in the block device mapping for the AMI.
            * Ebs (Dict[str, Any], optional): Parameters used to automatically set up EBS volumes when the instance is launched.
                * DeleteOnTermination (bool, optional): Indicates whether the EBS volume is deleted on instance termination. For more information, see
                    Preserving Amazon EBS volumes on instance termination in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.
                * Iops (int, optional): The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS). For gp3, io1, and io2 volumes, this represents
                    the number of IOPS that are provisioned for the volume. For gp2 volumes, this represents the
                    baseline performance of the volume and the rate at which the volume accumulates I/O credits for
                    bursting. The following are the supported values for each volume type:    gp3: 3,000-16,000 IOPS
                    io1: 100-64,000 IOPS    io2: 100-64,000 IOPS   For io1 and io2 volumes, we guarantee 64,000 IOPS
                    only for Instances built on the Nitro System. Other instance families guarantee performance up
                    to 32,000 IOPS. This parameter is required for io1 and io2 volumes. The default for gp3 volumes
                    is 3,000 IOPS. This parameter is not supported for gp2, st1, sc1, or standard volumes.
                * SnapshotId (str, optional): The ID of the snapshot.
                * VolumeSize (int, optional): The size of the volume, in GiBs. You must specify either a snapshot ID or a volume size. If you
                    specify a snapshot, the default is the snapshot size. You can specify a volume size that is
                    equal to or larger than the snapshot size. The following are the supported volumes sizes for
                    each volume type:    gp2 and gp3:1-16,384    io1 and io2: 4-16,384    st1 and sc1: 125-16,384
                    standard: 1-1,024
                * VolumeType (str, optional): The volume type. For more information, see Amazon EBS volume types in the Amazon EC2 User Guide.
                    If the volume type is io1 or io2, you must specify the IOPS that the volume supports.
                * KmsKeyId (str, optional): Identifier (key ID, key alias, ID ARN, or alias ARN) for a customer managed CMK under which the
                    EBS volume is encrypted. This parameter is only supported on BlockDeviceMapping objects called
                    by RunInstances, RequestSpotFleet, and RequestSpotInstances.
                * Throughput (int, optional): The throughput that the volume supports, in MiB/s. This parameter is valid only for gp3 volumes.
                    Valid Range: Minimum value of 125. Maximum value of 1000.
                * OutpostArn (str, optional): The ARN of the Outpost on which the snapshot is stored. This parameter is only supported on
                    BlockDeviceMapping objects called by  CreateImage.
                * Encrypted (bool, optional): Indicates whether the encryption state of an EBS volume is changed while being restored from a
                    backing snapshot. The effect of setting the encryption state to true depends on the volume
                    origin (new or from a snapshot), starting encryption state, ownership, and whether encryption by
                    default is enabled. For more information, see Amazon EBS encryption in the Amazon EC2 User
                    Guide. In no case can you remove encryption from an encrypted volume. Encrypted volumes can only
                    be attached to instances that support Amazon EBS encryption. For more information, see Supported
                    instance types. This parameter is not returned by DescribeImageAttribute.
            * NoDevice (str, optional): To omit the device from the block device mapping, specify an empty string. When this property is
                specified, the device is removed from the block device mapping regardless of the assigned value.
        * EbsOptimized (bool, optional): Indicates whether the instance is optimized for EBS I/O. This optimization provides dedicated
            throughput to Amazon EBS and an optimized configuration stack to provide optimal EBS I/O
            performance. This optimization isn't available with all instance types. Additional usage charges
            apply when using an EBS Optimized instance. Default: false
        * IamInstanceProfile (Dict[str, Any], optional): The IAM instance profile.
            * Arn (str, optional): The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance profile.
            * Name (str, optional): The name of the instance profile.
        * ImageId (str, optional): The ID of the AMI.
        * InstanceType (str, optional): The instance type. Only one instance type can be specified.
        * KernelId (str, optional): The ID of the kernel.
        * KeyName (str, optional): The name of the key pair.
        * Monitoring (Dict[str, Any], optional): Indicates whether basic or detailed monitoring is enabled for the instance. Default: Disabled
            * Enabled (bool): Indicates whether detailed monitoring is enabled. Otherwise, basic monitoring is enabled.
        * NetworkInterfaces (List[Dict[str, Any]], optional): One or more network interfaces. If you specify a network interface, you must specify subnet IDs
            and security group IDs using the network interface.
            * AssociatePublicIpAddress (bool, optional): Indicates whether to assign a public IPv4 address to an instance you launch in a VPC. The public
                IP address can only be assigned to a network interface for eth0, and can only be assigned to a
                new network interface, not an existing one. You cannot specify more than one network interface
                in the request. If launching into a default subnet, the default value is true.
            * DeleteOnTermination (bool, optional): If set to true, the interface is deleted when the instance is terminated. You can specify true
                only if creating a new network interface when launching an instance.
            * Description (str, optional): The description of the network interface. Applies only if creating a network interface when
                launching an instance.
            * DeviceIndex (int, optional): The position of the network interface in the attachment order. A primary network interface has a
                device index of 0. If you specify a network interface when launching an instance, you must
                specify the device index.
            * Groups (List[str], optional): The IDs of the security groups for the network interface. Applies only if creating a network
                interface when launching an instance.
            * Ipv6AddressCount (int, optional): A number of IPv6 addresses to assign to the network interface. Amazon EC2 chooses the IPv6
                addresses from the range of the subnet. You cannot specify this option and the option to assign
                specific IPv6 addresses in the same request. You can specify this option if you've specified a
                minimum number of instances to launch.
            * Ipv6Addresses (List[Dict[str, Any]], optional): One or more IPv6 addresses to assign to the network interface. You cannot specify this option
                and the option to assign a number of IPv6 addresses in the same request. You cannot specify this
                option if you've specified a minimum number of instances to launch.
                * Ipv6Address (str, optional): The IPv6 address.
            * NetworkInterfaceId (str, optional): The ID of the network interface. If you are creating a Spot Fleet, omit this parameter because
                you can’t specify a network interface ID in a launch specification.
            * PrivateIpAddress (str, optional): The private IPv4 address of the network interface. Applies only if creating a network interface
                when launching an instance. You cannot specify this option if you're launching more than one
                instance in a RunInstances request.
            * PrivateIpAddresses (List[Dict[str, Any]], optional): One or more private IPv4 addresses to assign to the network interface. Only one private IPv4
                address can be designated as primary. You cannot specify this option if you're launching more
                than one instance in a RunInstances request.
                * Primary (bool, optional): Indicates whether the private IPv4 address is the primary private IPv4 address. Only one IPv4
                    address can be designated as primary.
                * PrivateIpAddress (str, optional): The private IPv4 addresses.
            * SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount (int, optional): The number of secondary private IPv4 addresses. You can't specify this option and specify more
                than one private IP address using the private IP addresses option. You cannot specify this
                option if you're launching more than one instance in a RunInstances request.
            * SubnetId (str, optional): The ID of the subnet associated with the network interface. Applies only if creating a network
                interface when launching an instance.
            * AssociateCarrierIpAddress (bool, optional): Indicates whether to assign a carrier IP address to the network interface. You can only assign a
                carrier IP address to a network interface that is in a subnet in a Wavelength Zone. For more
                information about carrier IP addresses, see Carrier IP addresses in the Amazon Web Services
                Wavelength Developer Guide.
            * InterfaceType (str, optional): The type of network interface. Valid values: interface | efa
            * NetworkCardIndex (int, optional): The index of the network card. Some instance types support multiple network cards. The primary
                network interface must be assigned to network card index 0. The default is network card index 0.
                If you are using RequestSpotInstances to create Spot Instances, omit this parameter because you
                can’t specify the network card index when using this API. To specify the network card index, use
            * Ipv4Prefixes (List[Dict[str, Any]], optional): One or more IPv4 delegated prefixes to be assigned to the network interface. You cannot use this
                option if you use the Ipv4PrefixCount option.
                * Ipv4Prefix (str, optional): The IPv4 prefix. For information, see  Assigning prefixes to Amazon EC2 network interfaces in
                    the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide.
            * Ipv4PrefixCount (int, optional): The number of IPv4 delegated prefixes to be automatically assigned to the network interface. You
                cannot use this option if you use the Ipv4Prefix option.
            * Ipv6Prefixes (List[Dict[str, Any]], optional): One or more IPv6 delegated prefixes to be assigned to the network interface. You cannot use this
                option if you use the Ipv6PrefixCount option.
                * Ipv6Prefix (str, optional): The IPv6 prefix.
            * Ipv6PrefixCount (int, optional): The number of IPv6 delegated prefixes to be automatically assigned to the network interface. You
                cannot use this option if you use the Ipv6Prefix option.
        * Placement (Dict[str, Any], optional): The placement information for the instance.
            * AvailabilityZone (str, optional): The Availability Zone. [Spot Fleet only] To specify multiple Availability Zones, separate them
                using commas; for example, "us-west-2a, us-west-2b".
            * GroupName (str, optional): The name of the placement group.
            * Tenancy (str, optional): The tenancy of the instance (if the instance is running in a VPC). An instance with a tenancy of
                dedicated runs on single-tenant hardware. The host tenancy is not supported for Spot Instances.
        * RamdiskId (str, optional): The ID of the RAM disk.
        * SubnetId (str, optional): The ID of the subnet in which to launch the instance.
        * UserData (str, optional): The Base64-encoded user data for the instance. User data is limited to 16 KB.
    spot_price(str): The maximum price per hour that you are willing to pay for a Spot Instance.
        The default is the On-Demand price.
    tags(Dict or List, optional): Dict in the format of {tag-key: tag-value} or List of tags in the format of
        [{"Key": tag-key, "Value": tag-value}] to associate with the spot instance.
        Each tag consists of a key name and an associated value. Defaults to None.
        * (Key, optional): The key of the tag. Constraints: Tag keys are case-sensitive and accept a maximum of 127 Unicode
            characters. May not begin with aws:.
        * (Value, optional): The value of the tag. Constraints: Tag values are case-sensitive and accept a maximum of 256
            Unicode characters.
        The Spot Instance request type.
        Default: one-time
        Valid Values: one-time | persistent
        The start date of the request. If this is a one-time request,
        the request becomes active at this date and time and remains
        active until all instances launch, the request expires, or
        the request is canceled. If the request is persistent, the
        request becomes active at this date and time and remains
        active until it expires or is canceled.

        The specified start date and time cannot be equal to the current
        date and time. You must specify a start date and time that
        occurs after the current date and time.
        The end date of the request, in UTC format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ).

        For a persistent request, the request remains active until the ValidUntil
        date and time is reached. Otherwise, the request remains active until you cancel it.

        For a one-time request, the request remains active until all instances launch,
        the request is canceled, or the ValidUntil date and time is reached.
        By default, the request is valid for 7 days from the date the request
        was created.

        Type: Timestamp

        Required: No

    Dict[str, Any]


    .. code-block:: sls

            - name: value

    .. code-block:: sls

            instance_count: 5
                ImageId: ami-fce3c696
                KeyName: awskey.pem
                SecurityGroups: ['sg-709f8709']
                InstanceType: m4.large
                    AvailabilityZone: us-east-1a
                            SnapshotId: snap-f70deff0
                            VolumeSize: 100
                            DeleteOnTermination: True
                            VolumeType: gp2
                            Iops: 300
                            Encrypted: False
                EbsOptimized: True
                    Enabled: True
                SecurityGroupIds: sg-709f8709
            spot_price: 0.03
            type: one-time
Use an un-managed Instance as a data-source. Supply one of the inputs as the filter.

    name(Text): The name of the Idem state.
    resource_id(Text, optional): AWS VPC id to identify the resource.
    filters(list, optional): One or more filters: for example, tag :<key>, tag-key.
    A complete list of filters can be found at https://boto3.amazonaws.com/v1/documentation/api/latest/reference/services/ec2.html#EC2.Client.describe_instances

Request Syntax:
      - resource_id: 'Text'
      - filters:
        - name: 'string'
          values: 'list'
        - name: 'string'
          values: 'list'


            - resource_id: value

Full plugin documentation is available on the Idem documentation site - aws.ec2.spot_instance_request .

Last updated on 20 Sep 2022
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